Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Gift Ideas: Gift for Kids

Hey Everyone,

As promised, Christmas gift ideas!  Perhaps a few of you need to buy gifts for your child(ren), niece or nephews, and have no idea what to get.  Sure there's those typical ideas of getting Lego, or toy cars, or an action figure, but to me that's what everyone gets nowadays.  It's hard to be creative, and it's also hard to pick out what to get when you are in the toys aisle at the department store.

Personally, I hate it when I am stuck in that situation... I plan to go Christmas shopping, and I think "I'll just figure out what to get when I get to the store...".  That never ends up well, I'm sure you know what I mean!  I get to the store, and I can't decide at all what to get... everything is laid out saying to me "pick me!  pick me!", its like being totally pulled apart.

What's worse about buying for kids is that I'm not a kid, and it's hard to figure out something good on the spot.  I realize it is important to have a good idea of what to get BEFORE going to the store.  So here is what I think a good suggestion for a gift for young kids...

Yes, PlayDoh!
I must say, this is not outside the box, it is still a great gift.  Most people will go for the Barbie dolls or the expensive Lego packages, but somehow overlook this.  It's fun, it's creative, just make sure the recipient is NOT TOO YOUNG, otherwise it'll be more of a pain than joy.  This is MUCH better than a box of chocolates (given the right circumstances)!  And I'm sure it will be much appreciated =).  Maybe this Christmas, this idea may come in handy to you when shopping for gifts; it is reasonably priced, and it is easy to find.  

Until next time, thanks for reading!


Major Mack said...

I hate playdoe little pieces get everywhere :(

SimsGuy said...

No one better buy any f'ing Playdoh for my 2y/o this year...

Vapor said...

I spent last weekend playing with play-doh with a 5 and 3 year old, messy but fun! If you go this route I'd suggest buying some wax paper to lay down on the table first!

Anonymous said...

i remember having lite brites as a kid, etch-a-sketch's were cool too. dont know if they still make em tho

MikeyB said...

hahaha i love playdough...the smell...oh god the smell

Mike Litoris said...

Great post! You should take a look at my newest post, its about a good AdSense alternative.

HSP said...

Sweet post. You can never be too old for Play-doh.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm following yours now!

Gerlof said...

I liked that stuff alot when I was young

SpringyB said...

I love playdoh! I still build things with it sometimes, it's cheaper than modeling clay.

Suciô Sanchez said...

Don't buy it if you have carpet.

Krichevskoy said...

the carpet its your enemy, also very funny stuff to play

Mister Sharaf said...

gifts for loveones?

icequeen100 said...

Play-doh FTW!

lemoz said...

Hay bud just stopping by and viewing the blog love what your doing with it keep it up. I am starting to post on my blog some more think you can stop by and take a look.

cooperlife said...

play-doh is delicious too.

noog said...

good idea, i was wondering what to get my little cousin...

Anonymous said...

Play-doh in the carpet = best christmas present

Anonymous said...

Beyblades is the best gift for kids.

Unknown said...

Play-Doh! Fun for kids! Rage for Parents! Legos are good too. I used to spend hours with mine.

Ayin said...

Good advice, buying christmas gifts is a torment for me

Anonymous said...


The Angry Vegetarian said...

Play-Doh is always a good idea!

Seion said...

I can't remember when anyone in my family received simple gifts such as Playdoh anymore. Seems it's always electronics or clothes these days.

IDDQD said...
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brendan said...

yea play dough in carpets and play dough hands

kwile said...

haha I love playdoh. It's great. followed

Monster Madness said...

Toys were only cool when I was a kid xD

Copyboy said...

Good idea about the Play Doh especially since I have a niece and nephew I need to buy gifts for.

Das Auto! said...

play-doh is delicious!

Classically Trained Nub said...

I like play-doh, but you can make the stuff at home way cheaper, and you can make it whatever color you want (as long as you have the right food color)

April said...

My nephew loves playdogh! It keeps him entertained for so long with little effort on my part lol.

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