Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Markets Going Insane

The past few days have been pretty hectic for me, with my stocks crashing down continuously.... doesn't feel good when you are down 4 digits...

So anyway, I try to look at this in a positive light, and think that this can be an opportunity to buy in and make some money!

Now my question to you is, what stock do you think is promising?  Give me some ideas and reasons!



Zombie said...

Sadly I dont have the money to get into the stock market. lol.

Anonymous said...

Of course gold!

Bart said...

ive got some silver u can buy

Diego Sousa said...

gold, always gold!

Unknown said...

Definitely go for gold.

Copyboy said...

Apple. Because it's um apple.

Anonymous said...

I just know about th spanish market, I think I will buy this week or the next one some enterprises with high dps to hold them 3-5 years, just investing, ot trading. You have a new follower! :]

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Gonna make it big when it bottoms out and you can scoop up all the deals.

Bersercules said...

Hoard your cash in your matress were its safe!

BaudlyDamage said...

Lol. Dont buy gold, commodities is a bubble. Dont buy apple, they didn't lose enuf to make them worthwhile. Buy Caterpillar (construction and farming vehicles) or bank of america and train stock like amtrack. Also, follow my blog because my advice is good.

MRanthrope said...

BaudlyDamage seems to know whats up!

Major Mack said...

man i wont advise anyone with all this media bullshit creating panic in the markets. i say play it safe with these fuckers out here.

kwile said...

With so much fluctuation and panic going around I'd play it safe. But, Baudly seems to know more about it. And those are legit, good companies.

Anonymous said...

maybe have a look at motorola

Jay said...

Dont buy. Wait. If you do buy, low betas and high yield are king.

Weastside007 said...

Silver :D

Check out my blog at

1904 Blogger said...

bought 18Ozs of gold last month, turned out really really really really well for me

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